Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New review of 'Alluvial' EP from NetMusic Life Blog

(In Italian): Non nuovo agli ambienti netlabels, Northcape, artista autodidatta inglese proveniente da Warwickshire ritorna con questo intenso e fluido "Alluvial EP" rilasciato dalla lettone Elpa. Un EP ispirato dalla geologia e dalla preistoria umana, dalla difficilmente immaginabile lentezza con cui il nostro pianeta ha impiegato ad evolversi. Siamo in zone ambient, in cui i lunghi accordi di tastiere si perdono nello spazio infinito inseguendo nordiche correnti d'aria. Northcape riesce a trasmettere l'idea di un mondo precivilizzato galleggiando tra riverberi ipnotici e sovrapposizioni d'arpeggi (Water Over Flint) in cui i pochi elementi che potrebbero ricondurci alla nostra caotica era sono i battiti ritmici elettronici. "Doorways Facing East" è un piccolo esempio in cui l'ambient può contenere anche elementi di tensione, un quieto risveglio disturbato, un amara consapevolezza che la strada compiuta finora è stata cancellata da tremendi e indelebili eventi ambientali. Ben rappresentato dalla foto di copertina, "Alluvial EP" è acqua che scorre, nitida sorgente di emozioni e sensazioni che Northcape sa trasmettere con semplicità ed onestà. (Rough English translation- apologies for any errors, due to a combination of myself and google!): Not new to the environment of netlabels, Northcape , an English self-taught artist from Warwickshire returns with this intense and fluid "Alluvial EP" released by the Latvian Elpa netlabel. An EP inspired by the geology and human prehistory, from the hard-to-imagine slowness that our planet has taken to evolve. We are in ambient areas, where long arrangements of keyboards are lost in the infinite space chasing northern air currents. Northcape is able to convey the idea of ​​a pre-civilisation, floating world with overlaps between reflections and hypnotic arpeggios (Water Over Flint) in which the few elements that might lead us back to our era are chaotic rhythmic electronic beats. "Doorways Facing East" is a small e [...]

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Alluvial EP out on Elpa music ~Thursday 9th June (free d/l!)

The new 4-track "Alluvial" EP will be released by Latvian netlabel Elpa Music for FREE download around Thursday June 9th. The catalogue number is Elpa70 and you can find the label here: The 'Alluvial' EP is inspired by geology, human prehistory and the idea of 'deep time' (I was reading about some of these subjects when producing the EP!) I have tried to express a sense of scale, which is in contrast to the more personal landscapes that inspire much of Northcape's material. The result is this EP which contains four slow-building but still melodic tracks with a more ambient feel. Some of the tracks are inspired by the idea of human habitation in the distant past, and others by geological space- the release image is pretty much a landscape I was imagining when I was writing the tracks. The sound is definitely an exploration of new ground - expect something a bit different from my normal approach to melodic electronica- but I think these tracks still keep a recognisable sound. Thanks to Elpa for releasing this EP, they have released some great material in the past and I'm glad that this release will be on there.